Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A swing set to consider:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of childhood, and our time in the States this year- maybe because we have been friends since the days of swing sets... Remembering our time in NYC this summer, Perrier from the Bodega, Morning Prayer, Subway cars, Spiritual Rejuvenation, People (and here’s to discovering that New York is all about people- What a Revelation! You mean I can have this anywhere? Even Columbia, SC?) Dinner Parties where your girlfriend cooked 10 pounds of Free Range, Kosher, Organic, Hormone Free, Fare Trade, Safe Catch, and Sustainable Harvest Salmon. It was awesome!

Speaking of Deirdre – Where is she on your Blog?


PS: Tell me again about the link between the Anglican Communion and Fair Trade Salmon?