Saturday, November 12, 2005

Great Photo of Dad at the Anglican Communion Network Conference in Pittsburgh:

Also, you can see the entire 12-minute procession at the following link: Click Me! I found it very moving to watch. You can spot PZ at 10minutes40seconds into it. But, as far as I'm concerned, the whole thing peaks at the 7-minute mark with an incredible specimen of a Bishop. Does anyone know who he is?

Am I wrong in thinking that there is something touchingly Christian about the Episcopal Church having to rally its troops (so to speak) in what looks like an airport hangar in Pittsburgh? --JAZ


dpotter said...

Your dad is the coolest guy! He has taught me the meaning of the Gospel here at TESM--no little legacy! And to top it all off, he is a natty dresser!

John Zahl said...

Thanks for the comment. Wish I could be in the class you describe on your blog! I too am a fan of my dad, though my starting point was far from neutral. In a day and age when the passing of identity from father to son is considered lacking, I am reminded of Rod Rosenbladt when he says," my whole horizon is my father!" It's true of me, but i'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone. I look forward to sharing good times of Gospel revelry next year at TESM, and am praying for all of you there! Best (In Him), JAZ

Joshua Corrigan said...

This is just "wow" stuff John. Can you believe it? And I am in Birmingham

Joshua Corrigan said...

why that looks like bishop Jakes!