Most importantly, Dad's new book for which many of us have been waiting a very long time, has just arrived. I am reading it now, engrossed, and eating up every page! It can be ordered from Amazon.com via the following link:
CLICK ME!Also, I have a new two-hour radio show starting this Wednesday on
Viva-Radio. It will air every other Wednesday, from 10pm-midnight, though, if you miss it, the show will be available from the Viva web-site's archives for two months after the initial show is broadcast. Do check it out, and pass the word on. There are many other great people contributing to the content as well, so maybe browse the archives a bit. I personally am especially fond of the sets by Bumrocks, Dan Selzer, and Jaques Renault, for starters.
Here's another link:
CLICK ME!Lastly, I have a mix going up on
CosmicDisco.co.uk on the 31st of this month. This mix collects many of my favorites of recent years. It's more intellectual and less dancey than some of the others I've posted here.
Here's a link to CosmicDisco: